Originally Posted by DusterKid
I'd call or email Mickey Thompson as they will help you. The latest and greatest tire according to facebook is the PBR (Pro Bracket Radial). Alot of guys running them and getting TONS (300+) runs out of them and say they are deadly consistent with a small burnout. Now the guys I see posting this stuff have adjustable shocks and run at big money races were I'm sure the track is spot on. There are some guys that run them at my local track. Some do well, others have issues hooking up all the time. From what I have witness 1st hand is they work well on a decent track, but when you spin there's no recovering, your going to be a good 1 to 2 tenth off the dial. A Slick is more forgiving IMO.

Thank you

Mopar born, Mopar breed, when I die, call me Mopar dead!