Originally Posted by dvw
I've had trouble removing dowels in the past that were .500". I need longer (and offset) dowels in my current motor. Hopeing to weld fine thread Allen's (head to dowel). Then using a piece of tube , flat washer and a nut to pull them. Tried heat on a previous Mega block and cracked the right dowel bore. Ended up boring the hole. Plugging the hole and reboreing a new dowel pin hole. Dont want to go thru that again.

Easiest way to remove dowels ... Drill a hole down the middle all the way through. Work you way up to around 3/8". Put grease in the void behind the dowel - the void is pretty big as those dowel holes are deep so filling them with grease is tedious. Once you have them quite full, use a bolt the same size as the hole with the threads cut off to bound into the grease filled void. The hydraulic pressure will push the dowel out.