Originally Posted by AndyF
It just depends. I've had engines that pick up with more rocker ratio and engines that don't. Generally speaking the smaller the cam the more likely you'll see a gain from the rockers. If the cam is already opening the valves as fast as the engine needs then opening them faster costs power, it doesn't add power.

Andy, do you think the lobe is just too fast, or maybe that fast lobe is being opened too early? I ask because if the lobe is faster, the seat timing is less, but the @.050 timing will be quicker than the slower lobe. And it will be quicker to .200 and so on.

Seems to me that more aggressive lobe should be opened later.

Does this make sense?

Just because you think it won't make it true. Horsepower is KING. To dispute this is stupid. C. Alston