Some of the Hotchkis stuff looks cool so I know their heart is in the right place, but they have errors on the Mopar section of their website so I'm never confident in actually buying their stuff. I've tried to connect with them a few times but they never return my messages.

If you want to try some of their parts go for it, but don't expect any tech help from them. There used to be a guy from Hotchkis who would log on here but I haven't heard from him for a long time. The one contact I had there got fired and his replacement wasn't interested in talking to me so I don't have any connections there. I don't know if anyone else on the board has any contacts there either so you might be by yourself. My guess is that Mopar stuff is just a small part of the business for them so they ignore it. Or perhaps they used to have a Mopar guy but he left and nobody who works there now is into Mopars? Just guessing on my part, there could be some other explanation.