Best bet is to see if the company who made the wrench for Craftsman is still in business, then ask them. Sears never made anything - they just slapped their brand on it. That said, most of what they did slap their brand on was pretty good quality. Vermont American used to make their wrenches; no idea if they are still in business or not, or made their torque wrenches. I've bought a small compressor from Sears (Devilbiss), a sawzall (Dewalt), tool cabinets, drills, you name it..
On that subject, I'd like to know if anyone has ever bought parts to repair a Craftsman timing Light. Great light, but drop it once and it was done. Pretty sure Actron/Sun made them. Not sure what goes in them - whether it's just the xenon tube or one of the components, but something inside that housing won't tolerate a sharp bump or jolt at all...

Last edited by Sixpak; 08/02/19 06:07 PM.