When I need a chuckle, I watch his Pro Mod Starter kit video, cracks me up now that both my cars have all that stuff. I usually am a 1 man show, but my girlfriend came and helped me in the pits and staging lanes last time. A few of the racers commented to me afterwards, about her attire and stature, got me to thinking that maybe she’d be enough of a distraction if I had her helping me back up after burnouts. She wouldn’t have a clue what she was doing, and I wouldn’t pay attention anyway, but the distraction to the other fellow might be priceless..... I know, I’m a pig. Jim.

64 Dodge Coronet 440. In progress
1998. Dodge Avenger. 8.35@165. 4400 DA
250” Neil and Parks Slip Joint. 7.36@183.
4600 DA
242" Mullis Dragster. 6.90@ 200mph