Extensive Research done in the 1980's by a number of people documenting trans am and winged car history shows the the 305 race engines used "WESTLAKE" heads.

If any one on moparts has a set of these along with the correct headers I am sure the folks screwing together this car would love to have them.
Very very rare parts.

It is an Assumption of "why" they used W2 heads - so instead of assuming call the Pettys and quiz them and report back because the 300,000 people on here are waiting


Btw there was also a 355 cubic inch "mini" hemi used back then as well... Any of you critics have one lying around for my next hot rod?? help

Regarding technical accuracy: As for what was written in the article the information printed is what was provided by the people involved with the car. When writing articles about peoples cars the information provided by these people is typically printed without any forensic analysis. If you don't like the magazine you all should start your own.


Last edited by ThermoQuad; 07/19/19 04:57 AM.