DW16. After tech is over. Me and my copilot leave the track and hit a drug store. We buy some snacks and I ask the pharmacist for the Sudafed that you can make meth out of. She asks for my ID and than says she can't sell it to me. My copilot laughing says, you've been flagged. After several tries, the Pharmacist notices that my driver's license is expired. All the bragging Thumper likes tell everyone how my car got over 16 mpg was because I was on my best behavior on that DW.

After a few hours we go back to the track. I walk over the Billy. He is looking a bit stressed out, in deep thought, out of the norm. Whats wrong I ask. Nothing he says. So I tell him the story about how I just drove across the country and made it thru tech with an expired driver's license. He's looking at me with a feeling of relief in his eyes.

Billy opens up about what's bothering him. Billy's comp license was expired. Since Billy's plan was to spray his car at this DW he used his brother's ID and licenses to make it thru tech without anyone noticing. But now Hot Rod doesn't actually have him registered. We come up with a plan on how to fix the situation.

Both of us cracking up about how stupid we are.

His whole family got The Spirit of Drag Week award for a reason. For those of you that have never met Billy, he was an awesome guy. A buddy. He will be missed by many especially for Drag Weekers who can call on Billy any time they need some obscure stat that someone could dream up.

RIP Billy

Gen 3 power 6.22@110, 9.85@135
Follow @g3hemiswap on instagram

performance only racing, CRT, ultimate converter, superior design concepts, ThumperCarbs