For polling purposes, how many of you who are serious about the look of DAY TWO, NOSTALGIA, RACE and or STREET on your cars would like to see this brand of tire come back on the market?
I have the ear of the engineers over at Coker Tire and they would need a certain amount of serious interest in order to make a run. This process could take a few months or even a few years, but the faster we get on board with them, the faster these could come to market. Aside from the raised white letter tires from Dunlop, Goodyear Ploy-glas and Firestone Wide Oval tires, I think the Super Stock/ Formula 1 tires were one of the best looking performance tires on the market. Remember also that they made thin front runner tires such as the ones below.

Let an ear hear, what say ye?

Last edited by fullmetaljacket; 05/07/19 11:07 AM.