About a month ago I found a pretty decent ramcharger body (well for IL). A week later I bought my 05 Durango donor. The last 3 weeks I have been stripping the Durango on Saturdays. This past Monday I took the day off work and got the body off. We left the firewall and front section of the floor. Tomorrow I will take the gas tank out so we can shorten the frame 13". At this point I think my biggest issue will be getting the right gas tank for the swap. It's a budget build so I am trying not to spend a boat load on the gas tank we have come up with because with the frame being shortend, Durango one wont fit it same place. I am using the Durango gauges so as soon as I find out what the ohm reading is on the sending unit, i will be looking for the right combination of parts (fuel pump, sending unit, tank.) My goal is to have this up and running by fall.

"Think of all the Ford owners who will someday want an automobile." John Dodge

57 dodge sierra wagon
03 chrysler 300m
10 dodge charger