Originally Posted By madscientist
Originally Posted By sgcuda
Why is expensive Mallory weight always added to a crankshaft counterweight? Why couldn't the underside of a piston or the bottom of a rod cap be lightened instead? The trick is to keep it as light as possible, isn't it? Why keep adding weight? I see this on tires in the dealership. People that have had their tires balanced several times in their life. Some come in with weights all over the inside of the rim. We all know that this is laziness on the part of the tech balancing the tires. Can the same be said for crank balancing?

If you are adding weight to a counter weight, it's because it's too light. You can't take that much out of a rod cap or a piston unless the piston is junk. Let's say all you need is 15-20 grams of Mallory. You ain't going to find that much weight to remove between the rods and the Pistons unless they are just flat out garbage.

But the same 15-20 grams split between 8 pistons and 8 rods might be doable. Does anyone actually know the relationship between rod/piston weight relative to where 1 weight is added to a crankshaft?