Possibility for sure, but I was warned by a couple of old timers that I'd have trouble with the choke, and would have been better served with a chokeless carb. Their advice was limited to "pull it off and go up a couple of numbers on the primary jets". This is my 1st real intimate experience with a Holley as well and not sure why I didn't learn them years ago.

Bending the choke rod seems to be the only available adjustment (in the absence of a different cam), I was hoping to get some real world input before I start experimenting. Bending it one way *I think* would increase the spring tension leaving the hash on the housing further outside of the index marks, and the other way would bring me back inside the marks, but either way, fast idle would be the same as it is now.

Thinking about it as I type, I could probably widen the cam arm with some epoxy and see if that gets me what I'm after.