I don't think that is correct Barry, could you remind me what the depth is of the correct 15X7s? I have some original 15x7 rings and years back when I first got the Chrysler performance repros I put one side to side with an original to see what differences I could spot. People were complaining about the new ones and as I recall it was due to some issues like contours and accent lines not being spot on. Plus the pricing of somewhere around $75-$85 each which people thought excessive back then in 2006-7 or whenever it was they finally got released.
Never heard any talk of incorrect 15x6.5 ring depth until now? You got me curious so I dug out one of my old original rings and eyeballing my tape measure looked to be maybe 3-1/8" deep. Went out in my cold garage and measured a repro installed on my T/A and it looked to be around 3-1/8". Weren't the 15x6.5s 2-3/4" or maybe it was 2-7/8" deep?