With the dots at 6 o'clock & 12 o'clock #6cyl is at TDC compression ready to fire. 12 o'clock & 12 o'clock #1 cyl is at TDC compression & ready to fire. It's confusing because the pics in shop manuals show 6 o'clock & 12 o'clock which would lead a person to believe that Ok you R&R your timing set, line the dots up like shown & you're ready to time the dist to #1 . 6o'clock & 12 o'clock are closer than 12 & 12 & easier to line up either visually or with a straight edge but WHY the manuals neglect to inform you that you are on #6 tdc compression or else that you then need to rotate it (1) revolution is beyond me. Your last sentence, when you tore it down & had it at 12 & 6 the rotor would have had to have been pointed at wherever you had the #6 plug wire on the cap

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth