Originally Posted By CompWedgeEngines
...The bottom ends of SBM actually move around a ton.

So I realize that this topic has been beaten so many times, but if you have the 4-bolt hardware available (MP stuff), and you are about to build a brand new motor (all the right machining needs to be done anyways), should I consider moving to a 4-bolt MP setup?

I have studs that will be used instead of main bolts, this is a 360 block with a 4" stroker crank. Because I have seen many people comment about the SBM bottom end the way you just did I thought of putting the 4-bolt setup in, despite the fact that many have said the stock SBM blocks do not have enough casting in the area.

Since this is a street motor, I figured anything else I can do to stiffen up the bottom end will be a move in the right direction, and given my hp levels (500 tops) I really should not be able to go past the levels of stress the 4-bolt mains can support in a stock block.