Not sure i agree about not prepared to pay money for blocks .
I am just a 10 second bracket racer , l broke 1 stock block .
I lucked out on finding a new World block , it cost 3 x a sbc block . Yes i paid A$7000.00 about US4500.00
I couldnt cop the A$11-12000.00 for an unneeded aluminium block , but i thought aboyt it
There are enough racers who will pay if available , crikey how many stock/superstock guys need or would buy ? There is demand
Its a hell of a shame .


Last edited by tex013; 01/04/19 06:37 PM.

New best ET 10.259@129.65 .
New best MPH 130.32
Finally fitted a solid cam,
stepped it up a bit more
3690lbs through the mufflers
New World block 3780lbs 10.278@130.80 . Wowser 10.253@130.24 footbraking from 1500rpm
Power by Tex's Automotive