
Unfortunately I do not own my own mac tools truck and I don't have the stop

You don't need a Mac tools truck. I thought I posted this earlier, it's EASY to make your own stop, especiall if you have a few tools, maybe a welder, tap and die set, or even some JB weld

Take an old plug

Hacksaw off the crimp where the porcelin meets the shell

Put the shell in the vise and drive out the insulator.

Now depending on welder, tap and die set, or JB weld, find a bolt that will go in/ clear through/ out the front. It's been a long time. Seems to me I used to "fit" a 3/8 nut in the rear of the shell and tack it in there, then run a tap clear through.

No reason you could not "test fit the stop in your engine, when you get the bolt a good length, just fill the shell with JB weld and forget about it for about a day.

Instant stop

Here's one I found on the www that someone made:

I'm not sure I like it, looks light it might "wiggle" some but you could build it this way and either let some of the bolt stick out the back and tack weld it in place, or once again, JB weld the thing

This is more like how I used to make mine: