In addition to the circumferential Rotor Phasing air gap distance there is also the radial rotor tip to cap terminal gap which is ideally should be brought down to ~.015" either by drilling out the rotor blade rivet & subbing in a longer piece of brass or Echlin offers a rotor with a .060" longer blade, an Echlin MO3000 for $8.xx out the door which helps. You want the gaps to be as MINIMAL as possible (without contact/interference obviously) & more gap=more sparking & smaller gap=less sparking & more gap increases the required voltage to jump said gap & is a waste of energy/stresses the coil/ign system & if the required voltage exceeds the available voltage from your choice of parts it will misfire. Also dremel the rotor tip/cap terminals being carefull not to remove hardly any brass as it takes less voltage to jump from sharp terminals to sharp terminals than it does rounded ones (from wear).

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth