Wish there were more options for VVT block, even cams made for a VVT block that don't use the VVT would be awesome if it could save some $$$, I don't understand why we can get a SRT 6.4 cam from a dodge dealer for $68 but ANY aftermarket cam will cost $1000 ??? Is the SRT cam useing litterally every .001 of lift possible without hitting a piston? I dont buy that, I milled a 5.7 block .030 (checked it without a head gasket and still had plenty of clearance) and ran a 6.4 cam just fine, surely they can find more lift without hitting stuff and limiting advance/retard.

I also agree about the profiles looking like they're intended for a SB.

Does anyone know if those lifters are oiling up to the PR or using the factory rockershaft down oiling? Do the rollers just get splash oiling or is there more oil getting there somehow?

I am not causing global warming, I am just trying to hold off a impending Ice Age!