How did the foam pad look when you replaced the filter after the oil change? Was it wet?

It seems odd that it would max out the restriction indicator after only 2000 miles. A filter that restricted would be visibly filthy and if you blew compressed air backwards thru it, make a pretty big dust cloud.

In any case, resist the urge to install any K&N magic low restriction guaranteed to boost your fuel mileage type filter. There are only 2 ways to reduce filter restriction. Make the filter bigger or make the holes if you will in the media larger. Bigger holes = less filtration, more dirt gets in.

I just re-read you post. If the filter was pooched when you reset the indicator it basically should have maxed it out again after the reset the first time you stood on it and hit full boost. I asked above if the filter was wet. If water is somehow getting into the filter when it rains, it will restrict the filter and max out the indicator. Maybe by the time you noticed it, the filter dried out and was good until the next time it rained.

Can you burn 2 tanks of fuel in Oregon before it rains? laugh2
