Originally Posted By poorboy
If your in the car/truck manufacturing business, any vehicle that lasts more than a couple of years past the normal payment schedule is costing you money. Once the vehicle leaves its dealership, the only income it will derive is in the form of repairs. Its not in the best interest of the company to build a vehicle that will last more then 10 years.

Many people reduce the amount of money they spend on a ride that is nearly 10 years old. If a major repair is needed, or the ride is showing rust, they go shopping for something new. If something makes it past the warranty without many issues, and makes it past (or near) that last payment, most will replace it with something similar to what they had.

The 2019 model year stuff is out, why would the manufacturer care about something built in 2009 or 2010? Gene

Ford is the most notorious for this. They once had the goal that the car would basically self destruct at 100k miles. Obviously people now expect more from their vehicles now.