Originally Posted By TRENDZ
I would think the manufacturer would know best, but to me, if the ignition can fire through 60 psi boost on methanol, it would seem it should be able to fire at low cylinder pressure.
Is the mag just able to cover for an overly wet/rich mixture?
Honestly never messed with anything close to your combo, but with the minimal info I have here, it seems to me that down low your mixture is to dang wet.

We leaned it to 5.0. So lean it wouldn't tip-in without backfiring. Still no better. Idles best about 3.8 so that's where we run it with the mag(and where we started with the COP). I know what the book says but we ultimately do what makes the motor happy. Don't forget...it took over 2 seconds longer to spool which is a very big deal. The trans fluid gets hot in a hurry when on the chip. When I say hot I mean 600+ degrees with just a couple seconds delay.