No idea if the pan has baffles but I'm thinking not. I changed the oil and filter a couple months ago and it checked fine for level and it doesn't leak and I haven't driven it until today. Regular deceleration by lifting off the gas has no effect. I'll check it again and will put a little more oil in and see how that affects it. Won't be driving much before it goes to storage for the winter.

A new baffled pan is on the wish list but the current headers won't allow one of the wide ones so I may go with the Kevco. If the budget isn't there I can always add some simple baffles to the current pan. There are a couple DIY's out there and I have a MIG so I can be considered dangerous.

I'm thinking the pickup is high in the pan and considering the BS I've uncovered up to this point on the car, I wouldn't be surpised if it was hacked up.
Maybe that is why the previous owner had almost eight quarts in it when I dumped it after bringing it home....?