Thanks Al, I'll give them a look.

I'm trying to get my 60' back, with my 408 and a $450 9 1/2 Edge converter I ran a bunch of 1.38 60. I killed the Edge and had Ultimate build me a new 8" and my 60' went into the low 1.50's. Before I could send it back I decided to freshen the 408 nad found some issues so I built the 434. After some testing the converter was sent back and gone through, it ran high 1.40's after that. I then sent it to Kenny and he tightened it up a little and it has gone 1.40 one time, most of the time 1.43-44.

The 434 added close to 60 pounds to the front but I also have moved the battery to the trunk to help offset it some. IMO with the added 60-80 hp it should 60' better than the 408 did.