Thank you Brandon.
I appreciate the ethics of letting us know whats coming.

Fwiw: There really isn't anything called "manufacturer eating cost increases ".

Economics rule is the the consumer pays for everything.
If i haul water from a stream, i payed for the water with my labor- grin.
when manufactures "eat the increase" its because their former margins allowed for it - so we already paid for it and, at some point is costs stay higher, we will pay the increase>

As a shop owner, i have to make a profit, i can decide to take a little less profit but, i still have to make money or i wont exist for long.

as to the sheet metals /panels pricing, ours are already up some and we are being told to expect price increases the first of the year.
we are going to stock up what we can so that we don't have to adjust current build prices but bids/estimates after we use up the metals we buy now, will have to reflect our increased costs.

My brother buys massive amounts of steel all over the world and confirms Brandon's report btw.

China will come to the table eventually, deals will be made eventually and we will all live with those deals as they are then.
Like Brandon/440 source /Folks on here- we buy American as much as we can,some things, its just not possible , others its not practical.

Thanks Brandon, we will look at our build schedules, talk to customers and see what shakes out.

I do believe things will get better sooner , rather than later on this issue.