Originally Posted By fullmetaljacket
Now come to think of it, you may have me sitting corrected. Been in the arts too long. LOL
I'm curious because some of those F.A.S.T cats would nip at this if they could pull it off. I know I would at least till I got called to the stripper.
I don't wanna blow some people's cover, but there may be some rather tricked out brake and wheel elements lurking in that cla$$ that are for sure not material correct.
Other items as well.
I love the immense and concerted effort to hide things purchased, invented, or hogged out in plain site.

On this same note, my friend has already hinted that he would like a set for his 62' Savvy Savoy.
15" of course. Keep us posted on weights and size/backspacing because I am for sure interested in this new product and how this pans out.

Whatever diameter, width, backspace or offset anyone needs. Just get ahold of Mike. He'll send you a spec sheet on what he needs for measurements and go from there.