Yep. TF-2 and TF-3 both get the front band apply passage restricted using a plug w/ a .140" hole. The TF-3 (full forward manual mod) also plugs (blocks off) the governor port, just like I found the JW FMVB instructions said to do.

Until I pull the trans pan & valve body, I can't say for sure that Jim & I actually installed that governor port plug when the JW VB was installed. shruggy I THINK we did, since that part of the instructions had been highlighted by somebody to stand out during the installation...

If, by chance, we did NOT plug that, I wonder if THAT would have been why the JW didn't work right, rather than the shift linkage adjustment I made when swapping to the Turbo Action. Now I'm really curious to pull the TA VB and see what we did.

During the trans rebuild and valve body change from the TransGo TF-2 OEM VB to the JW, I do know we removed that front band apply passage restrictor that was part of the TF-2 kit. Neither the JW or TA instructions mentioned using any type of front band apply restrictor, but the TA needs one for anything under WOT operation.