Hey they build them in windy sand filled parking lots yanking on the TQ wrench to the point where it is useless as a precision tool and yet they are the baddest on the planet---so it is not the CI, not any precision, it is well controlled chaos and it could not be done no way no how without Nitro
That is why nobody says hey did you see the alky cars??

Cool thing is air fuel ratio is lbs air to lbs of fuel so with the weight of nitro a ton heavier than other fuels it works out so around 10-20 % you may actually need leaner set up soooooo....that means most of us with a well tuned alky car ( how could you tell alky just don't care) can ADD 10-20% Nitro and Not even change the tune up at all!!! I have run up to 16% on my fat alky tune with ease--pour in in and then Pour it On baby! You can too!
It is stunning at the TQ increase---car ran down track like it was tossed out of an airplane at 20k ft Just keeps on pulling---if you try it add 10-15% then Short shift and LUG it--Guess what it will NOT lug it will FLY!!
Get back and plugs will look like they have seen hell for a second but really they will be fine--run some more! A 5 gal pail is approx $150 depending on where you shop but it is the best $$$ I have ever spent on a race car Period!

Above around 30% the game changes big time and then it becomes a game of not breaking block caps and cranks etc--We use Tolulene in our mix to fight detonation--you should too Available at hardware store or paint store like Sherwin Williams we use a qt in a 5 gal finished mix It is essential to keep it all in one piece