Diego, if this car ends up to be a real car,Chrysler would not of tried to certify this car, it would of been just one of those funny builds. I dont really care myself if the car turns out to be real or not,I just stated what was going on back in the late Seventies,and Eighties in the Mopar Hobby and Clubs.

But then,I could also say why did Chrysler cast so many Hemi Blocks after the run of Hemi Blocks in January of 1970 right up to atleast 1974.Must of had a lot of Hemi Motors blowing up in Super Stock.

Also why did Chrysler have Fram start the build on all the Shaker Parts for the 1972 E Bodies.

Like I said before, you and I have seen a lot of stuff that should never of even been built on an assembly line let alone made it out the door of any Chrysler Plant or Proving Grounds.