Originally Posted By Leigh
Sounds good. I entertained the idea around 1983, but stuck with race gas. My buddy Gregsdart constantly fights alky injector slime. But, in all fairness, we can't race as much as we want.
liegh, for whatever reason, i no longer have issues with injector slime. I think the klotz fuel lube was the fix? Not serious corrosion issues for several years, then i screwed up and started running M5 by vp. It cost me dearly. Barrel valve siezed , fittings coroded , replaced all of the hose. This after a couple of years on m5. If you try it, FLUSH YOUR FUEL SYSTEM THOROUGHLY for storage, and i did it each night, still had problems.

8..603 156 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky