
Folks look in the catalog, and order what they see. Apples and oranges, I guess.

Hello Jim,
I certainly am not trying to advise or tell anyone how to run their business. I have known you for a long time and was making a comment to a respected business person and friend. As far as apples and oranges, I don’t think so. You also offer a unique and premier product and service. So does ECS! I have found that over the years, if you leave a loophole or opportunity for a “breach”, it will absolutely be exploited. I have had some of the most “honest” folks take the low road when given the opportunity. You restore 10 units and it only takes one or two “opportunist” to eat up the working profit that was made from the other ethical patrons. You set yourself up for, “The metal doesn’t look just like the originals I have seen“, or “your orange inspection paint isn’t quite the correct color“, or “I didn’t like the way you shipped it“….. Just be ready for any excuse why someone will not pay or try and dwindle down your advertised cost. You have definitely left the door open for “self” minded customers! (Did I state that politically correct enough?) It can kill a small business before it ever has the chance to get started.