Thought I would share this with the forum. I just received the door vin sticker for the next Cuda I'm doing and all I can say is "HOLY CRAP"! This thing is an absolute clone to the original, amazing! I've always used ECS for all the stickers and now the carpeting and date coded glass, this is the first door sticker I've received.

I had the opportunity to spend quite a bit of time with Mr. Walden on the phone yesterday and hung up with a totally new prospective of him and his company. He is about the most anal retentive perfectionist I have ever had the pleasure to talk to. I know he has taken quite a few jabs from people on this forum in the past and I've shot a couple across his bow myself, problem is, I think his responses with his passion is misunderstood to be confrontational. He is a freak of nature when it comes to accuracy.

Keep up the great work Dave.

5087468-DOOR-STICKER.jpg (1450 downloads)