Well, I ended up cutting the driver’s side bar to get it out and I ordered a new set. Brian at Sway-A-Way clearly has some pride in his products, spent quite a bit of time with me on the phone trying to trouble shoot why the bar didn’t fit...ultimately, it’s hard to say what happened but I still tend to think it was my screw up rather than a spec issue with the bar.

So they gave me a generous discount on a replacement...so I’m at it again.

I’ll be damned if these bars don’t want to go in either! I know they fit fine in the LCA pivot. But even clocking the socket as precisely as I can, the bar is refusing to cooperate. Maybe the tolerances line up just right on my car that it’s just barely too snug?

So...if I were to take the sander to the hex, how much material could I remove before there’s a risk of weakening the bar? Obviously, I’ll do this one tiny bit at a time...

Assuming the bars are ok, any other suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong would be welcome!