Originally Posted By crabman173
Originally Posted By sgcuda
I am constantly putting together unknown combinations. I think a fair charge would be acceptable to determine if I have a strong valvetrain that will live under my conditions, or hopefully tell me if I missed something before I fire it up. Would this be like a computer program that would determine fail points with known components?

You going back to the moon or something?
Current top level shops like Buck racing engines, Scott Shaffirof, Rher Morrison in Texas etc ( or pick your guru insert here) can tell you pretty darn quick if what you are planning will do the work

Guessing you are running a Mopar of some kind so the rocker arm folks like Jesel and T&D pretty much know what will work and live

Drag engines love lots of spring to make up for all the other BS going on Belt drives on the timing end do WONDERS for valve trains in general and are the best $$ spent for killer set ups watch a Spintron with chain then swap to belt drive it can be stunning what all changes

Smoky Yunnick said it best
"The price of progress is trouble" so if you want to do something new and untried you have to be the guinea pig and build , race, and observe in the real world at the track to determine if it is all up to the job

That is probably about the same cost in time , effort and parts as spending the loot on the lab--

or...just get twin turbos

all in fun here ya'll take it easy on one another LOL

Curios about gear drives as I just got a Milidon like I used to run and was a partial payment on twin Dommy's for a customer......... thumbs

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