
Which is what year? Are these from E bodies? Are the other "bodies" the same material?

Also looks like theres a backing on the hair ones that wrap around the bracket.

Is that hair one in the one picture removed from the bracket? If so can you lay it out flat and take a picture and some measurements? I found a company that ACTUALLY makes the stuff but they have MASSIVE minimums.

Also how "tall" is the hair on each? Have a set of calipers to measure accurately?

Jim, yes these are all for a Challenger. The fuzzy ones are off my 71, the hairy ones I can't be sure - they were either also off my 71 or off the donor doors which were not 71 (don't know if they were 70, 72, 73 or 74 - I suspect 70)

On BOTH types the backing material wraps around the brackets - you can see it on the fuzzys in the pic if you look carefully

Yes I still have those and certain I have some material removed from the brackets, I am happy to take some pics of that and measurements too as soon as I get a chance (hopefully tonight!)