Originally Posted By A39Coronet
Originally Posted By pittsburghracer
Originally Posted By A39Coronet
So my suggestion to weight payouts according to class size is valid. Lower purses for classes with <10 cars and raise the others. Like I said, it's a complaint I've heard and I can only assume promoters like feedback.

May I make a suggestion. Why don't YOU build YOUR car to fit one of the other classes. !50.00 to race two days for 1500.00 sounds like a deal to me as I go to other races on the East coast and know what it costs. Some cars cost way more to race than others and have more fan appeal. I personally think the "street class" pays to much but I'm not going to cry about it.

Take a breath brother...it was a suggestion. Didn't know all the negativity would jump in and take offense to some friendly Convo. No different than when I suggested Mopar nats add a gamblers race and the next year they did. Everyone wins when things evolve.

I know how much it was because I won Pro last year.

It’s all good. I get it and am here to listen. I also appreciate the folks sticking up for what we do. Sometimes there is an instant level of defense when these conversations come up. It’s all good. John just loves me like a son so he gets a little huffy. wink