Not going so hot. Been ordering a few Knick knacks and dropped a few off Friday. Pulled up and saw right away the window was down. Turns out something broke in the track. Thanks for not calling me guys. Dropped everything and got it blocked up with wood for now. Last of the stuff came in Saturday so I went by there while I was out and at least it was in the building. Have everything but a radiator just in case since “all the hoses are bad” was what I was told. Prepared for the worst. So...

Stopped in today to learn it was only a heater hose. Good right? Oh by the way we took it out on the interstate and the engine is worn slap out and the trans gets stuck in low gear or slams into another. Super, guess it’s fine when cold like the couple miles from my house.

Ended up being told they want 500 bucks for telling me it’s an old truck with problems, changing one heater hose, and prying the rusted on drums off. Told them to add installing the tires I caught on sale to the list and I’ll come get it out of jail. I’m still in disbelief somebody would take tires that look split all over out at high speeds. Incredibly dangerous thing to do! I’ve done plenty of stupid things in cars and I was tense just easing to their shop a couple miles on low speed roads.

Pretty disgusted at this point. Not with the truck, it’s really not any big deal to have issues with a project. In fact, for all the hysterics, I’ve stressed to these guys this is the exact thing I do. Save the past. It’s just a bummer it’s not anywhere near road worthy and the seller acted like it was. The price I paid makes it a nonissue, just an extreme bummer as a guy wanting to use it now.

At a crossroads since these guys clearly aren’t going to partner with me on this. Plan b is moving out of state soon and is only taking limited projects. Plans both c and d require transport many many miles away. That is if they are willing to get eyeball deep.

I’ve got a thousand things on my plate and zoning board troubles on a stall for it. Looks like I can pour a pad and play bureaucrat roulette for no telling how long on a roof over the area.

Got to thinking about basically a vacation to do a driveline swap and whatever else I could knock out like the soaked back brakes etc. realized my backup engine and trans have been sitting for 15+ years and a gamble to pop in without opening up. Hard to believe something I did that long ago seems like yesterday in my mind. Wow.

I want my fair share