Got the parts truck interior stripped except steering column and wiring harness. Doors came off after this pic was taken.

Later today, I may lift cab off after removing the steering column.

It's horrible. I cleaned up all the visible rat droppings and it's still rancid. I took the end caps off the rockers and it's full of rats nest. The AC box was full of rats nest. I've bleached everything, used vinegar, pressure washed the interior, took the windows and doors out, let it air out, and the smell seems to have gotten STRONGER! Haha.

Unfortunately, it sat so long with rodent urine and feces on the metal, the urine ate INTO the metal. I don't think that even sandblast or wire wheel down to bare metal will take the smell out.....

Ok, enough of that!

Next couple of days, I'll be dragging the yellow truck from the back 40 to start tear down. I'm hoping that a good degrease and pressure wash on the frame and a good scuff and spray and the yellow cab will go on with just a little bit of trimming on the tunnel....
