You pretty much have to test/elim all but the box & I think O'reillys can test it. it has ran in the past with how you have it wired correct? 4 pin ECU/2 terminal ballast & it wont start so you subbed in the orange box to no avail? pull the yellow wire off of the "ign" terminal on the starter relay to disable the starter & with your VOM see if the coil positive primary terminal & the main feed wire at the ECU are hot (it is the "point" of the pentastar), might be blue/yellow or red. ohm the dist pickup. check the reluctor gap (should be "close" but not touching) & the spec is .008" with a brass feeler gauge. confirm the box is grounded (it usually is but I would check). this'll get us started.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth