Originally Posted By Al_Alguire
Lets hope they have all the timing issues with the track worked out by then. Sure struggled and I hear a lot of mumbling about this past weekend. I'm know they will but feel for you guys having to run points paying bracket races and being guinea pigs for issues with the system. Sure don't seem right to me. I heard some pretty harsh things were said in the tower to the racers as well.

It was as if they thought it was OK to not have dial ins on the reader board or anyone in the lanes checking them. I had a spirited conversation with Jeff (Richard Cranium) who couldn't understand why I wasn't willing to get out of my dragster 4 cars before the burn out box, during eliminations, check my opponent's dial, get back in and belted, and race. He's a special kind. I packed up and left Sunday. $300 in diesel to get there, $130 entry fee, $100 race gas, meals, time etc. and they weren't ready for a race, priceless. I never thought I would say this but, I miss Chris Blair.