Originally Posted By d7cook
Originally Posted By Al_Alguire
The facebook page says blocks will be going to those who have been waiting like WedgeFED. I'm sure Best will get them out as quickly as they can. I am interested to see what it will take or if it is possible to order a non "standard" block configuration. Like what I need and likely what you are after as well. It will make my decision on the garage sale

From a conversation with Tim the non standard offerings are going to be slimmed down. How much I don't know but to get things rolling again they plan on keeping it plain old vanilla. You'll have to call him to see if they'll build what you want or can leave pieces unfinished that you can finish yourself.

That being said I ordered a block in Nov 2014. Last spoke to Tim last November when they were having main cap issues and haven't heard a peep since.

Call him and everybody involved! Throw a complete fit, go off, tell them you want your block NOW!

Call them twice a week and keep bugging them, for God's sake they have had your money long enough.