Like said, the first thing that came to my mind was the extra unpaved room on the Pit side gas station section adjacent to the airport.
For a minimum of what the lease agreement numbers are, it could have been paved to satisfy the tenants desire to store the cars there. They might have even garnered some interest from participants peering through the gated area at the upcoming cars for auction. Kind of like a out door dealership browsing area. LOL.
This all without affecting any other part of the tracks activities.
By this alone, the pits would have shrunk just a tad as far as pit area parking, but the parking could still spill over to the spectator side and other sections to ease the matter. They could have still made their lease agreements and still made the capital from a functioning track. That capital alone would have paid for itself being that the burden of track expenditures ie( insurance, staff, PAYOUTS) would not have been riding piggy back on the whole tracks income stream.
As far as special events parking, perhaps some concessions could have been made with mega events such as the NHRA Summer nationals with the other parts of the track being closed to accommodate for that weekend.
Last but not least, we could all relate to the hidden challenges and losses such a venue could incur every year, but what a unfair way to say goodbye. Not even a last hurrah and or send off special event day. Lions had it out west. National Speedway had it here.
It was badly handled kind of like breaking off a long standing relationship by iPhone text instead of face to face. Newbie behavior with all of this technology I guess. Give me back the old school, including the racing.