
DRAM I read the if you want to build anything healthy you would need to change the springs and retainers and locks. Well DAH that is a no brainer and aplys to all the out of box heads.I am not talking about the high dollar B1s or Indys.I wonder what Rustbucket bought instead?He didn't say.
I will put it to you this way .If I had a prety heathy motor that had a cam that had a lift of lets say .540 I would take the stealth heads out of the box and bolt them on.I would put alot of machine shops out of buiness.

Everyone needs to stop and think before jumping a idea.
It should be a moparts rule that if you post on any product either bad or good you first must own that product and used it personly.This would stop all the mopar gods that sit in there own little world and make judgement calls on products they have never used.BTW That was not pointed at you Dram.I see that you have used them. You said a mouth full when you said they ALL have pro's and con's.

Again did you read the gentlemans question??? "Can you buy Stealth heads bare?" I answered from first hand experience from calling 440 source....... For my application those parts would be basically tossed aside. I actually did call tobuy them and would own them if they were sold bare. I think this makes me certified to answer his question as to whether they can be bought bare or not.