Originally Posted By CompWedgeEngines
Just curious, several of you have mentioned that you have had 440 Sources work " checked" and it was dead nuts on.( it should be with the balancer they use) So, you pay $250 for Source to balance, then have your shop balance it again? So now you have a $500 balance job ( ?) when you could have A) Trusted the Source, since you had them do it in the first place, or B), just ordered it unbalanced and had your shop do it for the $250 anyhow? What am I missing here? There is no way to " check " a balance job, without weighing every component, and then setting up the bob weights and spinning the crank.

It reminds me of when people want their Front End Alignment checked ? Oh know I dont want to pay for an alignment I just want it checked ? Course I have to tell them to check it you have to put it on the machine which means you are paying for an alignment. Now after we check it we can adjust it if needed which is included. LoL Ron