In addition to stuff above..

If you run a generic oil, bring a quart or 2 for the road and pick it up along the way. Spare oil filter as you want to do a change on Wednesday morning at least. If you run something like Brad Penn 20W50.. unless they say the fuel guys stock it, be sure you bring some!

Mechanics wire is always a good one I've seemed to use every year.

Spare pushrods, rocker adjusters (almost every year someone asks me for one), spare rocker if you have one and lifters if you are running decent spring PSI.

Spare fuel line is not a bad idea either, and a spare pump with fittings.

Dremel with an assortment of bits..

Gasket material that will cover for intake, thermostat housing etc..

Axle bearings aren't a bad idea if you haven't done them for a while..

Spare lug nuts and a stud or 2 if you are going to swap tires doesn't hurt.

Gas can!


Spare coil and misc ignition stuff as stated above.

Last but not least-> Credit card with a bunch of room on it!

TT Predator headed 572 7 Second Street Car.
Fastest Mopar Drag Week 2015
Fastest Mopar & Dodge Drag Week 2017
Pro Street Power Adder Champion Drag Week 2017