Road test it with the vac can hose unhooked/plugged. Confirm the reluctor gap is at .008" with a brass feeler gauge (or eyeball it & want it fairly close but not touching) & confirm the springs are retracted which they should be (not stuck) & when you twist the rotor CCW that it springs back smoothly. With a 1&1/4" socket/breaker bar hand bump the dampener CW till the magnet is dead even with the tooth that places the rotor under or near under the #1 cap terminal (don't go backwards & if you go past then back up & creep up on "dead even" again, & at that point see where the timing marks are on the dampener and how far away the rotor is from being straight under the #1 dist cap terminal outside "bulge". this'll get us started. On the fuel side it may have a vac leak (valley pan). EDIT ported or manifold? MORE EDIT way way lesser potentials are timing chain sprocket dot error/slipped dampener but we'll start with the easy potentials first. the more I think about it the more I potentially think vac leak/lean. clamp the PB hose for a quick test just to get that out of the way.

Last edited by RapidRobert; 12/12/17 12:14 PM. Reason: bored

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth