Originally Posted By bee1971
Thanx for the Air Valve Adjustable Secondary non explanation that has so little to do with off idle issues unless the door is so damn loose or the spring is broken


And I have been running a 1407 since 88 with no issues.

As far as I know no one has whined about the Edelbrock AVS carbs having issues, just the 750 AFB clone, NOT any of the AVS clones.

Must be something different and the AVS2 is not a "cure" for the AFB as you stated it nor does it "fix" the 1407 as there is nothing wrong with it a tune can't address.

Finally, the "improvement" on the AVS2 appears to be annular discharge boosters. Want to explain how that affects idle? Or off idle? Not on the boosters there.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.