1996 first year of OBD-II software in PCM.

PCM fires ignition coil after getting signal from slots in flexplate rim, then calculating delay. PCM "knows" number one cylinder from sensor in distribultor.

Fuel injectors squirt individually for each cylinder, but spray onto backsides of closed intake valve for better atomization.
Below 80% throttle, PCM "knows" air to fuel from O2 sensor and keeps modifying two memory counters, one short term and one long term AFF and AAF, to stay near 14.7 to 1

Above 80% throttle PCM goes to very rich air to fuel ( 10.5 to 11) to surpress detonation and to keep catalytic converter ceramic from melting/ cracking.

Several "off road" PCM OBD-II software modifiers can write a custom tune.

Your friends 1996 still has mostly individual wired up speedo and gauges,
but the OBD-II PCM had its first year of twiddling with the pressures inside the automatic 46RE trans. Also first year of EGR valve elimination.


Has list of known engine trans issues.
Be sure to re-route the ignition wires.
Check for blown plenum gasket.