Jim Harlow sent me this so I could post it and clarify a few things...

Chuck, maybe you can clarify some things on this post. My Daytona was originally orange with a black spoiler. I made the mistake of painting it black but had it restored to the original color when I sold it. The man that bought it said his name was John D'Agostino. He's not the same one I've seen many pictures of. He lived in, I believe he said Warren. A guy called me several years later, I think about 1992 and asked when I was going to let John have it because he was buying it. I said your mistaken, he's had it since January 1987. He was being scammed. Then about 10 years ago some guy, I think he said he was in Connecticut called and wanted to know if I had the build sheet and window sticker, which I do have. He wanted it but I told him it wasn't for sale.
Also as far as Harlow Tire we never closed all though the front page article in the Observer was worded that way, we sold out to Monroe Tire and Muffler. We left on Saturday June 25th and they took over on Monday June 27th. They weren't going to change the name but many people didn't read the whole article. The article explained that we retired and sold out. To this day people ask our employees where they're working now.