i will update progress on this hulk and get more pics
for anyone interested
once its gets cold
i probably won't look at it much until spring.
as it already took me way off of what i was doing
that i have to get back to.
but i'm having fun playin with this thing. laugh2

hopefully i get it running and moving before winter.
i yanked out the fuel pump today to rebuild it.
while i wait on tracking down and getting those parts
i decided move on and to dig into the trans
so i pulled the shifter and cover off
and i now i know why it was locked up. frown

what was happening was the windshield frame
is rotted and it leaked bad
the water went down to the dash to the rusted floor
and it drained straight into the trans
it looked like it was under water
the shift rails were frozen solid to the cover
and all the gears were all rusted up.
so out it all came.
when the trans hit the ground water poured out of it..lol
luckily the other trans looks like a winner
it just needs to be cleaned up some
and dressed up with parts off the old trans.

i will also clean up and paint the x member
and detail and clean up a few of the parts
like the z bar pivot and linkage. in evaporust.
throw all the bolts in the tumbler and clean them up.
one of the clutch linkages was almost worn thru so i will have to find or fabricate one of them.
i figure it will take me
a week or 2 to clean up everything
so its all ready to go back in and then let it rip.
i could rush and just slap it back together
but i might as well clean it all up while its all apart.